Toronto Mayoral Race Goes to the Dogs

Molly, the husky/wolf cross, is running for mayor of Toronto. Yes, you heard that right! Molly is Toby Heaps’ running mate as mayoral candidate for the city of Toronto.

Making This World a Better Place

Muttluks is endorsing Molly based on her refreshingly honest, wise and compassionate character. Molly and Muttluks share a common goal, “making this world a better place, step by step… paw by paw”. A world and town council with dogs is most definitely a better place and a step in the right direction.

Dog in Zen

Toby Heaps claims they “want to make politics more human, and sometimes you need an animal to remind us what that means”.  Muttluks agrees wholeheartedly. At Muttluks, we strive to be the humans our dogs want us to be. We believe dogs are wise and playful mentors. The trick is to be wise enough as humans to hear and value their teachings. To quote the Dog in Zen, Mantra Mutts card, “when the student is ready, the Dogi will come”.

Toronto, Your Time has Come!

Should Molly win the mayoral race, she would become Toronto’s first symbolic Dog Mayor. Toronto isn’t the first city to have a Dog Mayor. Niagara Falls elected Pal, the German Shepherd, as Mayor in March 2023 and several US cities in California, Minnesota, Colorado and Kentucky have Dog Mayors.

Dog Mayors and Pawlitics

Toronto may soon join the ranks of cities with a symbolic Dog Mayor, following in the pawprints of other communities that have embraced this tradition. Cities like Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, and Cormorant, Minnesota have made headlines by appointing honorary dog mayors. In Rabbit Hash, French bulldog Wilbur Beast assumed the mayoral role in 2020, continuing a tradition that dates back to the 1990s. Meanwhile, in Cormorant, a Great Pyrenees named Duke held the esteemed position of honorary mayor, winning the hearts of the local community during his multiple terms in office. These examples showcase the unique ways in which communities celebrate their love for animals and honour the wisdom of dogs and pawlitics.

 A Kind Heart Goes a Long Way

Molly has a kind heart and a big bark which is consistent with Toby Heaps’ family motto “to respect justice and question authority”.  Dogs are the leading edge of compassion, it’s time to let them lead and follow their heartfelt example.

It’s a Dog World after all.

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