Woof Wish Champion – Megan Size

Megan Size and Layne

This month Muttluks’ Woof Wish spotlight is on Megan Size and her regal 4 year-old German Shepherd Layne. Megan and Layne hail from South-Central Ontario.

Layne entered Megan’s life in 2013. Megan had recently moved into a new home following two attempted break-ins and robberies at her previous residence. Besides being somewhat shaken, she confided, “ever since I lost my family dog, I knew in my heart I was missing the companionship of a dog.”

 A student and dog trainer, Megan suffers from a previous work-related injury that resulted in disc herniation and chronic back pain. She also has a bad knee, suffers from anxiety, depression, OCD and ADHD.

Megan realized that the time she spent with her Shepherd Layne helped ease her anxiety. “He already knew what to do when I was stressed out and would cuddle with me on the couch, or in bed, or just pay a lot of attention to me” she explained. Megan consulted a friend with a service dog and a counsellor who both encouraged her to transition Layne from a pet to Megan’s service dog. “We still have some training to do,” she reports, “but he is doing beautifully.”

 “Since getting Layne, I’ve attended teacher’s college (which is almost done). I definitely wouldn’t have been able to get through the stress of teacher’s college without Layne,” she was quick to add.

 Megan used to be an avid sports enthusiast until she injured her knee and back. But again, since getting Layne, she’s working a lot harder at getting back into sports and physical activity. Together they hike, snowboard, camp and swim in the wilds of rural Ontario.

 “He is such a happy-go-lucky boy I can’t imagine my life without him. Since getting Layne through his service dog training though, I’ve been more diligent in his exercise, because a tired pup is a well-behaved pup,” said Megan with a laugh.

If you or anyone you know has a Woof Wish story to tell or is in need of assistance through the Woof Wish program please contact us at muttluks@muttluks.com.


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